Welcome to the STEAM Ambassador Program, where educators and industry professionals come together to champion the transformative power of STEAM education. As ambassadors, we're dedicated to equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to thrive in today's fast-paced world. Join us in shaping the future of education and inspiring the next generation of innovators and leaders. Become a STEAM Ambassador today.

STEAM Ambassador is a Four-Level- Certification Program. On successful completion of each level of the course, you get certified. More details in the Badge section of this page. 

​Comprehensive Certification Courses: Our program offers certification courses designed to equip teachers and industry volunteers with the skills and knowledge necessary to implement S.T.E.A.M methodology effectively in classrooms.

Multiple Certification Levels: Participants progress through Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels, each offering progressively advanced training and expertise in S.T.E.A.M education.

Hands-On Training: Courses include hands-on training sessions, workshops, and practical exercises to ensure participants gain practical experience in implementing S.T.E.A.M concepts.

Expert Instruction: Participants learn from experienced educators and industry professionals who provide insights, guidance, and best practices in S.T.E.A.M education.

Networking Opportunities: The program fosters a community of educators and industry partners, providing opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking

Continuous Support: Participants receive ongoing support and resources even after certification, ensuring they stay updated on the latest trends and developments in S.T.E.A.M education.

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​Bronze - Completion of first course earns a Course Completion Certificate and Bronze Badge (digital).

Silver - Completion of second course earns a Course Completion Certificate and Silver Badge.

Gold - Facilitates at least one learner to become a StudentPruner. Introduces STEAM AMBASSADOR program to one or more teachers. Eligible for Appreciation Certificate and Gold Badge. Requires continuous performance for five consecutive years to maintain Gold Level.

Platinum - Facilitates at least three learners to become StudentPruners. Introduces STEAM AMBASSADOR program to three or more teachers. Eligible for Appreciation Certificate and Platinum Badge. Requires continuous performance for five consecutive years to maintain Platinum Level.

In order to apply to the course, ensure that you meet the following requirements:

1. Teacher of Science, Math, English, Computer Science, or Electronics subject in middle, or Secondary sections of a School. Or Engineer in Electronics or Computer and interested in STEAM method of instruction.

2. Good in self-paced learning and willing to dedicate sufficient time to learn- by -doing during the span of the course which shall be two months.

3. On completion of the course, should be willing to facilitate your students and integrate the learning in lessons and prepare them for Future Workplaces.

4. Should use a laptop or desktop for learning.

5. Should be using a dedicated broadband connection preferably with a Dual Band Modem.

6. Should be familiar with using a Learning Management System (LMS).

7. Familiar with ICT tools.

STEAM Ambassador is Voluntary Professional development role, full training and support shall be provided for integrating Technology and Engineering with Science, Arts and Maths. The role is ideally suited for teachers and engineers with a passion for instruction and has been into guiding students in projects or innovation.

Empowerment as Educators: Experience the noble profession of shaping future change-makers as you guide your students to demonstrate their competencies in solving complex problems through STEAM education.

Access to Scholarship Information: Stay informed about various scholarships and their criteria for admission into the world's top universities, opening doors to higher education opportunities for your students.

Opportunities for National and International Competitions: Take advantage of the chance to mentor and support your students as they participate in a wide range of national and international competitions, showcasing their talents on a global stage.

Recognition and Awards: Gain insights into prestigious national and international awards and recognition for educators who are making a significant impact in the changing world of education.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded STEAM enthusiasts and experts from various industries, expanding your professional network and collaborating on innovative projects and initiatives.

​Course 1: Microcontrollers for Educators

Course Description:
This course is designed to empower educators with the knowledge and skills required to effectively teach microcontroller programming and electronics to students. Microcontrollers are fundamental in the world of technology and engineering, making this course an essential component of STEAM education.

Course Objectives:
1. Understand the basics of microcontrollers, their components, and their applications.
2. Learn programming languages commonly used with microcontrollers.
3. Gain hands-on experience with microcontroller projects.
4. Develop strategies for integrating microcontroller projects into the classroom.
5. Explore resources and tools for teaching microcontrollers effectively.

Course Content:
1. Introduction to Microcontrollers and Electronics
2. Microcontroller Programming Languages (e.g., Arduino, Scratch, Micro Python)
3. Building and Programming Microcontroller Projects
4. Integrating Microcontrollers into STEAM Curriculum
5. Assessment and Evaluation of Student Projects
6. Resources and Best Practices for Teaching Microcontrollers


If you are interested, please fill in this application form.

We are also running online information sessions over the coming weeks about becoming a STEAM Ambassador.

If you wish to find out more about the opportunity, please do book on any of the below dates convenient to you and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

More details on our YouTube channel:

You can also subscribe for the latest updates.



If you are interested in buying a Kit for this program, please refer to our Kit page here

Course Fees:

Europe & Other Countries: US $ 50 (Inclusive of Tax)
India: INR 3540 (Inclusive of 18% GST)