​ "StudentPreneur: Empowering Tomorrow's Change Makers"

Unlock your child's full potential with StudentPreneur, our signature program designed to cultivate the skills and mindset needed to thrive as future leaders and innovators. With a diverse collection of technology, digital literacy, scientific literacy, and entrepreneurship courses, StudentPreneur offers a pathway for students to learn, grow, and demonstrate their abilities in an engaging and supportive environment.

​Technology Courses: From mastering Microcontrollers and Micropython to delving into Robotics and Advanced Robotics, our technology courses provide students with hands-on experience and practical skills in cutting-edge technologies, empowering them to become confident creators and problem solvers in the digital age.

Digital Courses: Explore the world of digital creativity with our Video-making, Graphics, and Animation courses. Unleash your child's imagination as they learn to express themselves through multimedia storytelling and visual design.

Scientific Literacy: Journey through Earth and Space Systems as students uncover the wonders of the universe and gain a deeper understanding of our planet's interconnected systems. Our scientific literacy courses foster curiosity and critical thinking, preparing students to tackle real-world challenges with scientific insight.

Entrepreneurship (Business) Courses: Foster an entrepreneurial mindset with courses in Design Thinking and Lean Canvas. Equip your child with the skills and mindset to identify opportunities, innovate solutions, and turn ideas into action in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Led by experts in their respective domains, our courses are designed to engage, inspire, and empower students through project-based learning. By participating in hands-on projects and real-world challenges, students not only deepen their understanding of course content but also develop essential skills such as problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity.

With StudentPreneur, we believe in nurturing the whole child – academically, creatively, and personally. Join us on this exciting journey of exploration and discovery, where every student has the opportunity to flourish and become a catalyst for positive change in the world.

Enroll your child in StudentPreneur today and ignite their passion for learning, innovation, and leadership. Together, let's prepare tomorrow's change makers for a brighter future."

Who is eligible to join?

Students from Classes 6 to 12, who have a passion to develop a solution to a problem and work in a team, can join.

What are the desired competencies to be in a team?

These are the four competencies that the team must be strong in order to solve a complex problem:
1. Design : Proficient in using GIMP, Blender etc
2. Coding : Good in Javascript, CSS, HTML, SQL, Python etc
3. Electronics: Competency in using Microcontrollers in projects
4. Research: Aptitude in scientific research and good in Need Analysis

Who will be a guide?

A teacher in any of the subjects can be a guide. A teacher can guide multiple teams too.

How to start?

​Step 1 : Identify a problem that has affected the normal life of a lot of people around you.

Step 2: Identify team members that qualify the required competencies to solve the problem.

Step 3: Fix a Guide, who can always support and handhold you

Step 4: Join the Bootcamp and start work together.

There is nothing correct or wrong in the journey of an innovator. You will be supported through the journey by Mentors and experts.

As an innovator and entrepreneur, you become successful, when your solution becomes a remedy to the problem that you are addressing. In the second machine age, your cyber-physical expertise matters. When more people like and use your solution, your income bar rises. You may be even able to give jobs for a few.

Be a StudentPreneur and contribute to your economy.

For more details contact the Principal or CPOC, STEMclass

StudentPreneur Registration Form 

Roles and Responsibilities of Parents in shaping their child as a StudentPreneur.

Encouragement and Support: Provide unwavering encouragement and support as your child explores their interests and pursues their passions.

Fostering Curiosity and Creativity: Foster curiosity and creativity by exposing your child to diverse experiences and encouraging them to think outside the box.

Setting High Expectations: Set high expectations for academic and personal growth, motivating your child to strive for excellence in all they do.

Promoting Independence and Resilience: Encourage independence and resilience by allowing your child to take on challenges and learn from their mistakes.

Instilling Values and Ethics: Instill strong values and ethics in your child, teaching them the importance of integrity, empathy, and social responsibility.

Providing Resources and Opportunities: Provide access to resources and opportunities that support your child's interests and aspirations.

Promoting Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurial Skills: Teach your child about financial literacy and entrepreneurship, empowering them to manage money wisely and explore business ideas.

Building Networks and Connections: Help your child build networks and connections by introducing them to mentors and professionals in fields of interest.

Encouraging Lifelong Learning: Foster a love of learning in your child, encouraging them to pursue lifelong learning opportunities and embrace new challenges.

Providing Emotional Guidance and Stability: Lastly, provide emotional guidance and stability, creating a nurturing environment where your child feels supported and empowered to grow.

If your child does not have an email id, we suggest using a parent email id to register.